The North West Department of Human Settlements through its informal settlement upgrading
programme and the revitalisation of distressed mining towns is moving with speed to improve the
living conditions of communities staying around the mining areas within the Rustenburg Local
Municipality, by providing them with decent housing.
During the recent Provincial Government’s Accelerated Service Delivery Programme, Thuntsha
Lerole, North West Acting Premier and MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and
Traditional Affairs, Patrick Dumile Nono Maloyi visited the area to assess progress on the Bokamoso
Housing Development Project and also to officially hand over the houses which are ready for
occupation to three (3) families who were previously staying in informal settlements around
Bokamoso project started in 2019 on the land that was donated by Rustenburg Local Municipality.
The department then, installed 1600 internal services before the project kicked-off. The department
appointed four Developers for the construction of 320 houses. The challenges that led to the project
to delay was mainly the local forums that demanded 30% of the budget allocated for the project.
The Department had to intervene and explained that the 30% budget allocation was for the benefit
of the whole community as well as to employ skilled and local labour and also buying of building
material locally.
The 48 year old Nopinkie Ralgane was excited to officially receive her house. She comes from
Eastern Cape and is currently unemployed. She lives with her two children who both receive child
support grant from government. “I came here looking for a job and I was renting a shack. Since
building is expensive, I am proud of the house the department has built for me and my children,”
said Ralgane.
Another beneficiary is Malekhanye Nyushmani, a 36 year old man who lives with his wife and two
daughters. He said he feels safe now that he has a home. ”I stayed in a shack for a long time and
there was no privacy as I have children. I would like to thank the department for my house, I am
grateful,” said Nyushmani.
Handing over the houses, Acting Premier Maloyi urged the beneficiaries and others who have
already benefited from the human settlements programs to treasure those properties. Acting premier
Maloyi called on those who rent the house to foreign nationals to refrain from doing so as it is illegal
and retards government’s initiative of building sustainable human settlements.
Moreover, Acting Premier Maloyi also handed over ten (10) Title Deeds to beneficiaries at the
community feedback session. The Department has a total of 427 Title Deeds for communities of
Ramotshana, Rustenburg Ext 26, Phatshima and Monnakato and will be issued through the
Rustenburg Local Municipality. The first Title Deed recipient was the 78 year old Mannyana Morake
who comes from Tlokweng and lives with her two grandchildren who are also Orphans. Only one
child receives Child Support grant. “I am happy for receiving my title deeds, I have long been waiting
for this moment,” said Morake.
Rapula Josaeya could not contain his emotions when he was awarded his Title Deed, he lives with
his wife, six children and three grandchildren.” It’s over twenty years now since I have been living in
Ramotshana and I originally come from Koffiekraal. My appreciation goes to the department
because I had already lost hope that I will receive my title deed when I am still alive,’’ said Rapula.
Maloyi pointed out that his department will ensure that the people of North West get proper and
decent houses as the department is mandated to do so.
Issued by the Department of Human Settlements (North West)
Enquiries: Ms Dineo Lolokwane: Director: Corporate Communications & ICT
Tel no: (018) 388 2081
Cell no: 083 376 9400
Email: or
Mr Tumelo Maruping: MEC’s Spokesperson:
Tel: (018) 388 2884
Cell: 072 901 7653