MEC Mokua conducts Oversight Visit to Military Veterans Housing in Kagisano Molopo Local Municipality.

The North West MEC for Public Works and Roads Elizabeth Mokua conducted an oversight visit to
Military Veterans Housing Programme at Ganyesa in Kagisano Molopo Local Municipality as part of
the Provincial Government’s Accelerated Service delivery Programme Thuntsha Lerole. MEC
Mokua, who was standing in for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional
Affairs MEC Gaoage Oageng Molapisi and was accompanied by local ward councillors and Dikgosi
expressed her satisfaction in the progress made by the department in ensuring the provision of
housing to the Military Veterans in the Province.

MEC Mokua also engaged with beneficiaries of the three houses amongst those that the Department
has constructed, during these engagements MEC Mokua observed, registered and acknowledged
progress in relation to the specifications on these houses, these includes built in kitchen, stove, bedroom cupboards and fitted bathroom amongst others. The house is also making provision of an additional 3rd Bedroom replacing the carport which beneficiaries have requested for.

The emotional Mr Tsimane Kamanyane who is one of the beneficiaries showed his gratitude and
appreciation to the gesture that the Department of Human Settlements has extended “I am very
emotional because I now see that indeed government is caring I am an owner because I now have
a dignified home,” said Kamanyane.

MEC Mokua further reiterated that it is in the interest of the Department to complete all backlogs as it is the department’s commitment to redress and restore dignity in the lives of communities in the North West Province. “We are mindful of different circumstances our beneficiaries are faced with and the department will continue to conduct due diligence in every project they are working in and Quality assurance, compliance and accountability forms part of the contract with service providers,” concluded Mokua.


Issued by the Department of Human Settlements (North West)

Enquiries: Ms Dineo Lolokwane: Director: Corporate Communications & ICT

Tel no: (018) 388 2081

Cell no: 083 376 9400


And / or

Mr Lerato Gambu (MLO to the MEC)

Cell: 076 322 11 65


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