The Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs concluded its oversight visit to assess the provision of houses and also progress of unblocking housing projects in the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District.
Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Kgalalelo Makgokgowa commended the department of Human Settlements on the good job they have done. She said that the housing projects that the department has unblocked are on the verge of completion and that showed commitment on the side of the department.
“I have minimal complaints on what we actually found on the housing projects that the department has unblocked, what I can say is that for the department to continue doing this hard work and to work together with the portfolio committee to make sure that our citizens get access to proper and decent houses,” said Makgokgowa.
MEC for Human Settlements in the North West, Gaoage Oageng Molapisi, also expressed his satisfaction, however calling on more collaboration between municipal and departmental officials in ensuring proper service delivery. “There has to be proper coordination between both spheres of government. We all have same goal of delivering houses with basic services to our communities. We must do all this guided by the district development model as directed by the president,” said Molapisi.
Director for Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District in the Department of Human Settlements, Mpho Jaards added that despite the challenges of budget cuts that has affected the performance of the department, they are working tirelessly to ensure that service delivery is not affected in the housing delivery.
“This is a continued effort by the department to afford our communities to benefit by building them appropriate houses so as to sustain their livelihoods,” said Jaards.
The department has prioritised working together with the portfolio committee to speed up the completion of unblocking housing projects across the province.
Issued by the Department of Human Settlements (North West)
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