MEC Molapisi remains hopeful about unblocking of blocked housing projects

The Department of Human Settlements remains hopeful that it will overcome its greatest challenge of unblocking blocked projects across the province. This is according to the MEC for Human Settlements Gaoage Oageng Molapisi during the handing over of houses in Greater Taung Local Municipality recently.

According to MEC Molapisi the continuation of handing over of houses that were part of the blocked projects simply means the department is moving towards the right direction and making significant progress in delivering houses to deserving beneficiaries. “We are a caring government that understands the challenges facing our communities. Our continuous efforts to unblock blocked projects remains priority and we are making great strides in that regard,” Molapisi said.

MEC Molapisi further added that the department will continue to work closely with municipalities to ensure integration in delivering services to our communities.

A 70 year old Ms Norah Sibinda, is one of the beneficiaries that remained patient over the years, while waiting for her house to be constructed and completed. She said that the gesture by government is a true blessing to from God. Sibinda who was overwhelmed by joy, could not contain her tears that rolled through her face, when MEC Molapisi and Social Development MEC Susan Dantjie, handed over the keys to her house.

“I have waited patiently for this house. I am grateful that government heard my challenge and gave me a home. This will be the lasting legacy to me and many generations to come. My three unemployed children will now have a place they can call home. Our lives will change to be much better, because we now have a shelter above out heads, with basic amenities. I thank the government for its efforts, of creating such a great treasure for my family,” said the elated Sibinda.

Another house recipient is 23 year old Sylvester Kai, who received the keys on behalf of his late father Amos Kai. Sylvester is currently unemployed and was listed as a beneficiary by his father. He said he is grateful for being recognised as a house recipient and is looking forward to new beginnings under the new house that he will share with a relative.

The Taung extension 5 and 6 project is one of the projects that were blocked for some time. The department is hopeful that the 109 units for the project will be completed in the next financial year. The project is one of many that the department has prioritised, and continues to bear fruits. The department of Human Settlements remains committed to create a sustainable and integrated human settlements for all qualifying beneficiaries and the people of the North West.   


Issued by the Department of Human Settlements (North West)

Enquiries: Ms Dineo Lolokwane: Director: Corporate Communications & ICT

Tel no: (018) 388 2081

Cell no: 083 376 9400


And / or

Mr Lerato Gambu (Media Liaison Officer)

Cell: 076 322 11 65


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